November Full Moon Chakra Healing
Tue, Nov 08
|Distance Energetic Healing
Distant chakra clearing and healing work distributed during the full moon in November. Distance healing sent collaborativley by The Reiki Sisters, Denise & Julie. Must purchase ticket(s) no later than November 1st.

Time & Location
Nov 08, 2022, 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Distance Energetic Healing
About the event
Powerful and easy way to receive a full energetic clearing of your chakras (energy body) during the Full Moon on November 8, 2002.
When you purchase a ticket, you are added to our Sacred Full Moon Healing list. My sister Julie and I come together privately and intentionally and clear out heavy energetic debris from your energy body and send healing energy in to balance. You will receive the healing energy - when it is exactly the right time for you individually - sometime on November 8th or even before. The full moon is THE BEST time to do this as it assists us in releasing this debris.
In addition, you can purchase tickets for others, including your pets!!!! They benefit just as you do from this work. Every ticket holder's name will be worked on by us.
Energy work is done over distance. No zoom, no channeling, simply a powerful intention sent by two powerful healers. Just know and trust that we have you covered.
I truly love offering this to reach all of you safely and effortlessly. The aftereffects will be you feeling so much more like you! Lighter, brighter, energized yet peaceful. The positive and noticeable feedback we received from the October Full Moon healing was AMAZING.
Ticket price is $27.
*Please note: To allow time needed to collaborate effectivley, last date to purchase tickets will be November 1, 2022.
Thank you for trusting us to assist healing your energy body.
Denise Everness & sister Julie ('The Reiki Sisters')
Great Tree Healing
Distance Energy Healing
This ticket adds your name to our Distance Energy Healing list during Full Moon in November 8th 2022 energy work by Reiki Sisters Denise & Julie Everness.
$27.00Sale ended